23 December 2009

Updates to Nebraskaspending.gov

As you may have read in the Omaha World Herald (http://www.omaha.com/article/20091221/NEWS01/912219991).

On Monday, I continued my commitment to bringing transparency to Nebraska state government by putting the state's checkbook online. Nebraskans can now see exactly where their tax dollars are being spent, right down to the last penny.

This interactive list of 1.76 million payments made by the State of Nebraska includes all travel reimbursement, office supplies, state employee payroll and all other expenditures made by the State.

Here is a link to the new section of Nebraskaspending.gov:

Providing a more accountable and transparent government has always been one of my top priorities. I pledge to continue to improve and update nebraskaspending.gov during the next year.
